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International Journal of

Artificial Intelligent and Expert

Systems (IJAE)

Volume 1, Issue 3, 2010

Edited By
Computer Science Journals
Editor in Chief Dr. Bekir Karlik

International Journal of Artificial Intelligent

and Expert Systems (IJAE)
Book: 2010 Volume 1, Issue 3
Publishing Date: 30-10-2010
ISSN (Online): 2180-124X

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Editorial Preface

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Editorial Board Members

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IJAE)
Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief (EiC)
Dr. Bekir Karlik
Mevlana University (Turkey)

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Editorial Board Members (EBMs)

Professor. Yevgeniy Bodyanskiy
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (Ukraine)
Assistant Professor. Bilal Alatas
Firat University (Turkey)
Table of Content

Volume 1, Issue 3, October 2010

54 - 64 Planning in Markov Stochastic Task Domains
Yong (Yates) Lin, Fillia Makedon
65 - 74 A Design of Fuzzy Controller for Autonomous Navigation of
Unmanned Vehicle
Vinod Kapse, Bhavana Jharia, S. S. Thakur

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IJAE) Volume (1) Issue (3)
Yong (Yates) Lin & Fillia Makedon

Planning in Markov Stochastic Task Domains

Yong (Yates) Lin

Computer Science & Engineering
University of Texas at Arlington
Arlington, TX 76019, USA

Fillia Makedon

Computer Science & Engineering
University of Texas at Arlington
Arlington, TX 76019, USA


In decision theoretic planning, a challenge for Markov decision processes (MDPs)

and partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) is, many problem
domains contain big state spaces and complex tasks, which will result in poor
solution performance. We develop a task analysis and modeling (TAM) approach,
in which the (PO)MDP model is separated into a task view and an action view. In
the task view, TAM models the problem domain using a task equivalence model,
with task-dependent abstract states and observations. We provide a learning
algorithm to obtain the parameter values of task equivalence models. We present
three typical examples to explain the TAM approach. Experimental results
indicate our approach can greatly improve the computational capacity of task
planning in Markov stochastic domains.

Keywords: Markov decision processes, POMDP, task planning, uncertainty, decision-making.

We often refer to a specific process with goals or termination conditions as a task. Tasks are
highly related to situation assessment, decision making, planning and execution. For each task,
we achieve the goals by a series of actions. Complex task contains not only different kinds of
actions, but also various internal relationships, such as causality, hierarchy, etc.

Existing problems of (PO)MDPs have often been constrained in small state spaces and simple
tasks. For example, Hallway is a task in which a robot tries to reach a target in a 15-grids
apartment [11]. From the perspective of task, this process has only a single goal. The difficulties
come from noisy observations by imprecise sensors equipped on the robot, instead of task.

Although (PO)MDPs have been accepted as successful mathematical approaches to model

planning and controlling processes, without an efficient solution for big state spaces and complex
tasks, we cannot apply these models on more general problems in the real world. In a simple task
of grasping an object, the number of states reaches |S| =1253 [8]. If the task domain becomes
complex, it will be even harder to utilize these models. Suppose an agent aims to build a house,
there will be thousands of tasks, with different configurations of states, actions and observations.
It is hardly to rely simply on (PO)MDPs to solve this problem domain. Compared to other task
planning approaches, such as STRIPS or Hierarchical Task Network [10], (PO)MDPs consider

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IJAE), Volume (1): Issue (3) 54
Yong (Yates) Lin & Fillia Makedon

the optimization for every step of the planning. Therefore, (PO)MDPs are more suitable for
planning and controlling problems of intelligent agents. However, for task management, the
(PO)MDP framework is not as powerful as Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planning [3]. HTN is
designed to handle problems with many tasks. Primitive tasks can be executed directly, and non-
primitive tasks will be decomposed into subtasks, until everyone becomes a primitive task. This
idea is adopted in the hierarchical partially observable Markov decision processes (HPOMDPs)
[12]. Actions in HPOMDPs are arranged in a tree. A task will be decomposed into subtasks. Each
subtask has an action set containing primitive actions and/or abstract actions. In fact, a
hierarchical framework for (PO)MDPs is an approach that builds up a hierarchical structure to
invoke the abstract action sub-functions. Although inherited the merits of task management from
HTN, it does not specially address the solving of the big state space problem.

Another solution considers multiple tasks as a merging problem using multiple simultaneous
MDPs [15]. This solution does not specially consider the characteristic of different tasks, and it
limits the problem domains to be MDPs.

To improve the computational capacity of complex tasks planning, we develop a task analysis
and modeling approach. We decompose the model into a task view and an action view. This
enables us to strip out the details, such that we can focus on the task view. After a learning
process from the action view, the task view becomes an independent task equivalence model,
with task-dependent abstract states and observations. If the problem domain is MDP, we have
already solved it by the task view learning algorithm. If it is POMDP, we can solve it using any
existing POMDP algorithms, without considering the hierarchical relationship anymore. We apply
the TAM approach on existing MDP and POMDP problems. Experimental results indicate the
TAM approach brings us closer to the optimum solution of multi-task planning and controlling

This paper is organized as follows. We begin by a brief review of MDPs and POMDPs. Then we
discuss how to utilize the TAM method on (PO)MDP problems. Three typical examples from
MDPs and POMDPs are presented in this part, to explain the design of task equivalence models.
In the following section, we present a solution based on knowledge acquisition and model-
learning for the task equivalence models. We provide our experimental results for the comparison
of the task equivalence model and the original POMDP model. Finally, we briefly introduce some
related work and conclude the paper.

A Markov decision process (MDP) is a tuple , where the S is a set of
states, the A is a set of actions, the T(s, a, s0) is the transition probability from state s to s0 using
action a, R(s, a) is the reward when executing action a in state s, and is the discount factor.
The optimal situation-action mapping for the t step, denoted as , can be reached by the
optimal (t-1)-step value function :

A POMDP models an agent action in uncertainty world. At each time step, the agent needs to
make a decision based on the historical information from previous executions. A policy is a
function of action selection under stochastic state transitions and noisy observations. A POMDP
can be represented as , where is a finite set of states, is
a set of actions, is a set of observations. In each time step, the agent lies in a state .
After taking an action , the agent goes into a new state s0. The transition is a conditional
probability function T(s, a, s’) = p(s’|s, a), which presents the probability the agent lies in s’, after
taking action a in state s. The agent makes an observation to gather information. This

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IJAE), Volume (1): Issue (3) 55
Yong (Yates) Lin & Fillia Makedon

can be modeled as a conditional probability Ω(s, a, o) = p(o|s, a).

When belief state is taken into consideration, the original partially observable POMDP model
changes to a fully observable MDP model, denoted as . Here,
the B is a set of belief states, i.e. belief space. The is a probability the agent
changes from b to b0 after taking action a. The is the reward for belief
state b. The b0 is an initial belief state.

The POMDP framework is used as a control model of an agent. In a control problem, utility is
defined as a real-valued reward to determine the action of an agent in each time step, denoted as
R(s, a), which is a function of state s and action a. The optimal action selection becomes a
problem to find a sequence of actions a1..t, in order to maximize the expected sum of rewards
. In this process, what we concern is the controlling effect, achieved from the
relative relationship of the values. When we use a discount factor , the relative relationship
remains unchanged, but the values can converge to a fixed number. When states are not fully
observable, the goal is changed to maximize expected reward for each belief state. The n
horizon value function can be built from previous value n using a backup operator H, i.e. V = HV’.
The value function is formulated as the following Bellman equation

Here, b’ is the next step belief state,

where is a normalizing constant.

When optimized exactly, this value function is always piece-wise linear and convex in the belief


Tasks serve as basic units of everyday activities of humans and intelligent agents. A task-
oriented agent builds its policies on the context of different tasks. Generally speaking, a task
contains a series of actions and some certain relationships, with an initial state s0, where it starts
from, and one or multiple absorbing states sg (goals and/or termination states), where the task
ends in. (RockSample [16] is a typical example using termination state instead of goals.
Theoretically, infinite tasks may not have goal or termination state, we can simply set sg = null).
From this notion, every (PO)MDP problem can be described as a task (For POMDP, the initial
state becomes b0, and absorbing states become bg). To improve the computational capacity of
task planning, we develop a task analysis and modeling (TAM) approach.

3.1 Task Analysis

Due to the size of state space, and the complex relationships among task states, it is hard to
analyze tasks. Therefore, we separate a task, which is a tuple M, into a task view and an action
view. The task view, denoted as , reflects how we define an abstract model for the original task.
Actions used in a task view is defined in an action view, denoted as . It contains all of the
actions in the original task. Before further discussion about the task view and the action view, let
us first go over some terms used in this framework.

An action a is a single or a set of operational instructions an agent takes to finish a primitive task.
A Markov decision model is a framework to decide which action should be taken in each state. If
an action defined in a Markov stochastic domain is used by a primitive task, we assume it to be a
primitive action.

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IJAE), Volume (1): Issue (3) 56
Yong (Yates) Lin & Fillia Makedon

We define an abstract action ac as a set of actions. We want to find out the ac that is related with a
set of abstract states in , with transitional relationship. Only this kind of ac will contribute to our
model. In , ac is like a subtask. It has an initial state s0, an absorbing state sg (goal or
termination state). In , we deal ac the same as a primitive action.

With the help of abstract actions, we build an equivalence model for the original task M on the
abstract task domain, using . Our purpose is to find out a set of policies, such that the
overall cost is minimized, and the solution is optimum. Denote the optimal policies as .

Definition 1. Given a Markov stochastic model , if there exist a pair of task view and action
view , such that , we say is an equivalence model of ,
denoted as .

Let us introduce the equivalence model for MDP and POMDP task domains respectively.

3.2 MDP Task

For an MDP task , a well-defined task view , and a well-defined
ac in action view are both MDP models. For the task view, ,
where is a set of states for the task, is a set of actions for the task, including primitive
actions and abstract actions . The is the transition array, and is a set of rewards. For
the action view, . For each .

Up to now, we still have not explained how to build the model of task view . In order to know
the details of task states, in the TAM approach, we develop a Task State Navigation (TSN) graph
to clearly depict the task relationship. A TSN graph contains a set of grids. Each grid represents a
state of the task, labeled by the state ID. Neighboring grids with ordinary line indicate there is a
transitional relationship among these states. Neighboring grids with bold line indicate there is no
transitional relationship.

Let us take the taxi task [5] as an example, to interpret how to build the TSN graph, as well as
how to construct the equivalence model . The taxi task is introduced as an episodic
task. A taxi inhabits a 5×5 grid world. There are four specially-designated locations {R, B, G, Y} in
the world. In each episode, the taxi starts in a randomly-chosen state. There is a passenger at
one of the four randomly chosen locations, and he wishes to be transported to one of four
locations. The taxi has six actions {North, South, East, West, Pickup, Putdown}. The episode
ends when the passenger has been putdown at the destination.

This is a classical problem, used by many hierarchical MDP algorithms to build the models. We
present the TAM solution here. First, we build the TSN graph for taxi task in Figure 1. Label Te
represents the taxi is empty, and Tu indicates the taxi has user. Lt is the start location of taxi, Lu is
the location of user, and Ld is the location of destination. There are 5 task states in the TSN graph,
{TeLt, TeLu, TuLu, TuLd, TeLd}. The initial state is s0 = TeLt, representing an empty taxi in the random
location. The absorbing state (goal) is sg = TeLd, representing the taxi is empty and at the user's
destination. We mark a star in the grid of the absorbing state. A reward of +20 is given for a
successful passenger delivery, a penalty of -10 for performing Pickup or Putdown at wrong
locations, and -1 for all other actions.

From the TSN graph, it is clear that the taxi task is a simple linear problem. The transition
probabilities for the neighboring states are 1. There are four actions in the task domain,
Pickup, Putdown}, where is the abstract action going from Lt to Lu, and
is the abstract action going from Lu to Ld. This model has two abstract actions ,
and it is easy to know that . However, and

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IJAE), Volume (1): Issue (3) 57
Yong (Yates) Lin & Fillia Makedon

have different s0 and sg. We call this kind of abstract actions isomorphic action.

Details about how to solve are discussed in next section. In this section, we will
continue to introduce the TAM approach for POMDP task.

3.3 POMDP Task

For a POMDP task , where b0 is the initial belief state, bg
are the absorbing belief states (goal belief states and/or termination belief states). The
equivalence model can be . In this work, we
only consider the most common model, .

Some existing POMDP problems have simple relationship in task domain, such that there is no
abstract action. Thereafter, the equivalence model becomes a single model, . The coffee
task [1] has this kind of equivalence task model. It can be solved using action network and
decision tree in [1]. Here, we propose the TAM approach for coffee task. The TSN graph for
coffee task is shown in Figure 2. The L is an appointed as the initial state in the coffee. From the
beginning O, since the weather has 0.8 probability to be rainy, denoted as R, and 0.2 probability
to be sunny, denoted as ¬R, we get the transition probability from L to R and ¬R. If the weather is
rainy, the agent needs to take umbrella with successful probability of 0.8, and 0.2 to fail. We
denote the agent with umbrella as U, and ¬U if it fails to take umbrella. If the agent has umbrella,
it has probability 1 to be ¬L/¬W (dry when it comes to the shop). If it has no umbrella and the
weather is rainy, the agent will be ¬L/¬W for 0.2, and be ¬L/W (wet in shop) for 0.8. The ¬L/W
has probability 1 to be C/W (coffee wet), and the ¬L/¬W has probability 1 to be C/¬W. Whether it
be C/W or C/¬W, the agent has 0.9 probability to deliver the coffee to the user H/W (user has wet
coffee), and the H/¬W (user has dry coffee). The agent has 0.1 probability to fail to deliver the
coffee ¬H/W (user does not have coffee and coffee wet), ¬H/¬W (user does not have coffee and
coffee dry).

There are 11 observations for this problem: r (rainy), ¬r (sunny), u (agent with umbrella), ¬u
(agent without umbrella), w (agent wet), ¬w (agent dry), nil (none), h/w (user with coffee and
coffee wet), ¬h/w (user without coffee and coffee wet), ¬h/¬w (user without coffee and coffee dry),
h/¬w (user with coffee and coffee wet). The observation probability for rainy when it is raining is
0.8, and the observation probability is 0.8 for sunny when it is sunshine. The agent gets a reward
of 0.9 if the user has coffee and 0.1 if it stays dry.

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Yong (Yates) Lin & Fillia Makedon

The POMDP problem of RockSample[n, k] [16] has the task domain model of .
Difficulty of RockSample POMDP problems relies on the big state spaces. RockSample[n, k]
describes a rover samples rocks in a map of size n×n. The k rocks have equally probability to be
Good and Bad. If the rover samples a Good rock, the rock will become Bad, and the rover
receives a reward of 10. If the rock is bad, the rover receives a reward of -10. All other moves
have no cost or reward. The observation probability p for Checki is determined by the efficiency η,
which decreases exponentially as a function of Euclidean distance from the target. The η=1
always returns correct value, and η=0 has equal chance to return Good or Bad.

In the TSN graph for RockSample[4, 4] (Figure 3), the S0 represents the rover in initial location,
the Ri represents the rover stays with rocki, the Exit is the absorbing state. Except for the Exit,
there are 16 task states related with each grid, indicating {Good, Bad} states for 4 rocks. Thus,
t t
|S |=81. For observations, |O | = 3k+2: 1 observation for the rover residing on place without rock,
k observations for the rover residing with a rock, 2k observations for Good and Bad of each rock,
and 1 observation for the Exit.
There are 2k +k+1 actions in the task domain: Check1,…,Checkk, Sample; For each Ri, there are
k-1 abstract actions going to Rj (i ǂ j), 1 abstract action going to Exit, and there are k-1 abstract
actions going from Rj to Ri (i ǂ j), 1 abstract action going from S0 to Ri. All abstract actions for a
specific RockSample[n, k] problem are isomorphic. It is possible that an isomorphic abstract
action ac relates with multiple states. We assign an index for each state related with ac, and call it
y index, denoted as y(s), where s is the state.


For a simple task domain problem, such as coffee task, it only has , without abstract action.
The solution is the same with any other POMDP problems. The difference between task
equivalence models and the original POMDPs relies on the task models, instead of the algorithms.

4.1 Learning Knowledge for Model from TMDP

Our purpose in the designing of task domains is to handle complex task problems efficiently. This
can be achieved by a learning process. The taxi task has an equivalence model ,
with two isomorphic abstract actions. The idea is, with the knowledge of ac, which can be
acquired from , will be solved using standard MDP algorithms. Currently, the only
knowledge missing for is the reward . Next, we will obtain by a Task MDP
(TMDP) value iteration.

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IJAE), Volume (1): Issue (3) 59
Yong (Yates) Lin & Fillia Makedon

Details about TMDP value iteration are listed in Algorithm 1. The difference between TMDP
algorithm and MDP algorithm is, there is an action view single step value iteration ,
which is shown in Algorithm 2. When T(s, a, s) = 1, action a is not related with state s. Thus we
rely on T(s, a, s) < 1 to bypass these unrelated actions. For state s in the MDP model of ac, the
optimal policy in the action view is determined. The value is influenced
by y index. Finally, we obtain the reward R (s; a) by the difference .

4.2 Improved Computational Capacity by Task Equivalence Models

As a result of the learning process, we got the knowledge about for the task view, and
for the action view. Thus, we can focus on the task view alone in future computation
of POMDP problems. After the fully observable task view is learned, the partially observable
task view becomes a general POMDP problem. We can solve it using any existing
POMDP algorithms.

RockSample[n, k] is an example of the equivalence model . In our POMDP value

iteration algorithm, the computational cost is ,
. The sizes for different arrays are listed in
Table 1:

In each round of value iteration, by rough estimation, we get the computational complexity of
as , and as . This conclusion can be utilized to general
POMDP problems that can be transformed to a task equivalence model with abstract action
(the number of states being ), and a task view has k task nodes (not including the initial and

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IJAE), Volume (1): Issue (3) 60
Yong (Yates) Lin & Fillia Makedon

absorbing nodes). When , the equivalence model created by TAM approach can
greatly improve the computational capacity. However, if , the equivalence model
cannot improve the performance. Alternatively, it may degrade a little the computational capacity.
We can take this conclusion as a condition for applying the TAM approach on POMDP tasks, to
improve the performance, although it can be used on every existing POMDP problem.

In sum, the TAM approach first analyzes the task model, and creates a task view and an action
view. The action view is responsible for learning the model knowledge. The trained action view
will then be saved for future computing in task view. The task view is an equivalence model with
better computational capacity than the original POMDP model.

In order to provide a better understanding and detailed evaluation of the TAM approach, we
implement several experiments in simulation domains using MATLAB.

In the experiments, we aim to find out the reward and execution time for the task equivalence
model for the aforementioned problems. Results are achieved by 10 times of execution for each
problem, except for RockSample[10, 10]. The execution of RockSample[10, 10]
is over one week in our system. Therefore, it is only executed once.

All of the experiments are implemented in the same software and hardware environment, with the
same POMDP algorithm. For the equivalence models, is pre-computed. The system uses
the trained data of . In the experiments, the performance of every task equivalence model
improves greatly than the original POMDP model , except for the RockSample[5,
7]. The performance comparison of different models is presented in Table 2. Since the execution
of Taxi and Coffee domains are fast enough, we implement it directly by . The detailed
comparison is made on the RockSample domains. The equivalence model has much

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IJAE), Volume (1): Issue (3) 61
Yong (Yates) Lin & Fillia Makedon

smaller state space than the original plain POMDP . Although it increases the size of
action space, the observation space is also smaller than plain POMDP models. As a result, the
performance has been improved for each domain. Especially for the RockSample[10,10], its
execution time is only 1/707 of the original model.

These results adapts perfectly with our previous analysis. Considering RockSample[n, k], the
greater of n and k, the greater the performance of comparing with .

Considering the results from prior works, HSVI2 algorithm is able to finish RockSample[10, 10] in
10014 seconds [17]. It is more efficient than the implemented in our platform, and close
to , which is a more effective model than that is used in HSVI2. As is discussed in [9],
HSVI2 implements an α-vector masking technique, which opportunistically computes selected
entries in the α-vectors. This technique is beneficial for the special problems of Rock Sample, in
which movement of the robot is certain and the position is fully observable. Effectiveness of the
masking technique will degrade for uncertain movements and noisy observations. Our
experimental results imply, even if not incorporating the masking technique in the implementation,
we can still achieve the same performance using the efficient task equivalence model. The task
equivalence model is a general approach. We can apply it on general problem domains to
improve the performance.

Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planning [3] is an approach concerning a set of tasks to be
carried out, together with constraints on ordering of the tasks, and the possible assignments of
task variables. The HTN does not maintain the Markov properties we utilize in the POMDP
problem domains.

Several hierarchical approaches for POMDP have been proposed [7,12]. From some perspective,
our approach also has some hierarchical features. However, we try to weak the hierarchy in the
TAM approach. Our optimal solution is mainly achieved in the task view. The action view is finally
used as knowledge to build up the task view, by a learning process. Thus, what we use to solve a
problem does not belong to the hierarchical model. This will be helpful for the modeling of
complex tasks, because complex tasks themselves may have inherent hierarchy or network
relationships, rather than the hierarchy between task and action.

The MAXQ [5] is a successful approach defined for the MDP problems. Primitive actions and
subtasks are all organized as nodes in the MAXQ graph, which is called subroutines. An
alternative algorithm is the HEXQ [13]. It automates the decomposition of a POMDP problem
from bottom up, by finding repetitive regions of states and actions. Policy iteration is used for
hierarchical planning, called hierarchical Finite-State Controller (FSC) [7]. The FSC method
leverages a programmer-defined task hierarchy to decompose a POMDP into a number of
smaller, related POMDPs.

A similar approach concerning the solving of complex tasks is the decomposition techniques for
POMDP problems [4]. It decomposes global planning problems into a number of local problems,
and solves these local problems respectively.

Another approach helps to improve the efficiency of the POMDPs is to reduce the state space,
called the value-directed compression. A linear loss compressions technique is proposed in [14].
This approach does not concern task domains and task relationship.

An equivalence model for MDP is discussed in [6]. It tries to utilize a model minimization
technique to reduce the big state space. However, as stated in the same paper, most MDP
problems cannot use this approach to find out minimized models.

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IJAE), Volume (1): Issue (3) 62
Yong (Yates) Lin & Fillia Makedon

The goal achievement issue for tasks is discussed in [2]. In that paper, the planning and
execution algorithm is defined within the scope of STRIPS.

We propose the TAM approach to create task equivalence models for MDP and POMDP
problems. Parameter values for a task equivalence model can be learned as model knowledge
using TMDP. As a result, we can solve the problem in the task view, which is not hierarchical any
more. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the task view approach for (PO)MDP problems. This
can greatly reduce the size of state space and improve the computational capacity of (PO)MDP

Current research works relating with (PO)MDP problems still addresses simple tasks. We hope
the introduction of the TAM approach can be a breakthrough, so that (PO)MDPs can be applied
on the planning and execution of complex task domains.

The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and
suggestions. This work is supported in part by the National Science Foundation under award
numbers CT-ISG 0716261 and MRI 0923494.

[1] Boutilier, C., Dearden, R., & Goldszmidt, M. (1995). Exploiting structure in policy construction.
In Proceedings of IJCAI, pp. 1104-1113.

[2] Chang, A., & Amir, E. (2006). Goal achievement in partially known, partially observable
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International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IJAE), Volume (1): Issue (3) 64
Vinod Kapse, Bhavana Jharia & S. S. Thakur

A Design of Fuzzy Controller for Autonomous Navigation of

Unmanned Vehicle

Vinod Kapse

Research Scholar, Jabalpur Engineering College,
Jabalpur , India

Bhavana Jharia

Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engg.
Jabalpur Engineering College,
Jabalpur , India

S. S. Thakur samajh_singh@

Department of Applied Mathematics.
Jabalpur Engineering College,
Jabalpur , India


This paper presents a design approach for fuzzy logic controller for autonomous
navigation of a vehicle in an obstacle filled environment with obstacle avoidance
layer, orientation control layer and passage detection module. It provides a
model for multiple sensor input fusion and is composed of eight individual
controllers. Each controller will calculate collision possibility in different directions
of movement, according to which main controller would take action to avoid the
collision. The designs have been carried out in the digital domain with VHDL
using Altera Quartus-II Software.

Keywords: Fuzzy controller, Autonomous Navigation, Sensor, Collision Avoidance, Digital Domain.

The field of Robotics is advancing very rapidly and navigation is one of the main issues in this
field. The Recent developments in this field and automation have made human life a lot
comfortable and safer. The robots can do jobs that are difficult, dangerous, or dull. Robots have
also been developed for clearing landmines, autonomous wheel chair for disabled, lawn mowing,
vacuum cleaning etc. The Mars Sojourner developed by NASA is a semi-autonomous robot that
explores the Mars, while taking its instruction from Earth. These examples are of mobile robots
that travel from one location to another either randomly or by following the defined instructions.
These mobile robots can be categorized as Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGV) and Autonomous
Mobile Robots (AMR). The AGV’s navigate with a description of the environment in their memory,
and thus have a limited flexibility and application. Autonomous Mobile Robots, on the other hand,
are more flexible and adapt quickly to different environments. They do not have any preset
description of the environment in their memory and rely on the sensor information and the control
algorithm to achieve their target. This makes it all the more important for an autonomous mobile
robot to have a good control algorithm so as to adapt to the changing environment. Various

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IJAE), Volume (1): Issue (3) 65
Vinod Kapse, Bhavana Jharia & S. S. Thakur

Control algorithms like hardwired control and traditional control model have been implemented for
navigational purposes [1-3].

Ajit P. Khatra et. al. presented controller with modular, multi-layered autonomous mobile robot
capable of traversing through an unknown environment, avoiding all the obstacles, and reaches a
pre-defined destination [2]. The specified control scheme for the robot had been implemented and
tested successfully on a microcontroller but they are not precise to achieve more accurate control
of the robot. The other fuzzy based controller discussed by I. Baturone et. al.[4] is capable of
performing different tasks that an expert driver would performed, like deciding the driving
direction, the speed magnitude, and the turning of the steering wheel when driving forward or
backward. But in previously proposed controller nothing is discussed about the alignment of
robot, collision possibility, status of battery backup and terrain selection etc. To design a more
capable controller these areas need to be considered. Another fuzzy logic controller, proposed by
L. Doitsidis et. al.[5] is capable of detecting the collision possibility only for the four direction i. e.
front, back, left and right but there are other direction where the collision possibility need to be
detected. Nowadays, several circuits known as fuzzy coprocessors are available in the
microelectronics market place. They are general-purpose devices that work together with
standard processors to speed up some of the typical operations of fuzzy-logic-based inference
systems. But this kind of circuits is not efficient enough in terms of silicon area, power
consumption and inference speed when considered for the applications in industrial sectors
related to telecommunication, automotive or consumer products. A more advantageous solution
is to use dedicated hardware adapted to the particular problem. Viability of this approach is
greatly increased by using design methodologies, circuit techniques and CAD tools that ease
system realization, thus reducing time-to-market [2].

Considering all above issues it is thought to design an FPGA based fuzzy Controlled Autonomous
Mobile Robot System.

From a conceptual point of view, autonomous navigation of robotic vehicles is achieved via
continuous interaction between perception, intelligence and action. Navigation of autonomous
robotic vehicles in obstacle filled dynamic environments requires derivation and implementation of
efficient real-time sensor based controllers. Effective control algorithms for autonomous
navigation, should imitate the way humans are operating manned or similar vehicles.

The main objective of designing autonomous robot controller is to perform tasks without human
intervention. The mobile robot will be build based on the behavior-based artificial intelligence,
where several levels of competences and behaviors will be implemented. A level of competence
is a specification of a set of desired behaviors that the mobile robot will encounter in the real
world. A higher level of competence indicates a more specific and complex desired class of
behaviors. Individual layers can work on individual goals simultaneously. It will be directly
connected to its problem domain through sensors and effectors. The system can change and
affect its environment instantaneously by reacting through the effectors. Theoretical analysis of
the fuzzy control algorithms of mobile robot control will be performed. The requirements for a
suitable rule base selection in the proposed fuzzy controller will be provided, which can guarantee
the asymptotical stability of the system. These rules may include:

 The vehicle must maintain its alignment within established boundaries to define the
 The direction of travel of the vehicle is usually fixed
 The speed of the vehicle is restricted to an upper limit
 The vehicle must not collide with other vehicle or the environment boundaries

The last point suggests that the vehicle must have a high level of autonomy in order to
successfully detect and avoid collisions with vehicle and other objects in the environment. The

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IJAE), Volume (1): Issue (3) 66
Vinod Kapse, Bhavana Jharia & S. S. Thakur

sensor systems required for this autonomy typically consume considerable computing resources
in order to successfully implementation the control strategy.

One of the current challenges in the development of robot control systems is to make them to
give suitable response to adjust with changing environment. A fuzzy control system is proposed
for car-like autonomous robots, which are used to solve a typical problem in motion planning of
systems. The controller has a hierarchical structure made up of main modules in charge of the
different tasks that an expert driver would perform: Orientation of vehicle, obstacle detection,
Passage Detection, Deciding the driving direction, the speed magnitude, and the turning of the
steering wheel when driving forward or backward.

Various control algorithms- hardwired control and traditional control model have been
implemented for navigational purposes [1-6]. These algorithms are based on a mathematical
model of the robot, which takes the sensor’s information as inputs and uses fuzzy logic to
generate the output. Navigation algorithm is divided into different layers to keep the algorithm
simple and to have a better control of the robot. Each layer will model the behavior of the robot in
different environments. A layered fuzzy algorithm on a modular platform to control the mobile
robot; implemented in presented work is shown in fig. 1. Different layers are: Orientation Layer,
Passage Detection (PD) Layer, and Obstacle Avoidance Layer. The Orientation layer assists the
robot to keep itself pointed in the general direction of the goal frame to achieve it’s final
destination. The PD layer helps the robot to navigate through passageways. The Autonomous
Mobile Robot (AMR) is prevented from crashing with an obstacle by the help of Obstacle
Avoidance Layer.

Modular approach helps to distribute the processing power amongst its sensor, motor driver and
supervisor modules and also, easy future enhancements in robot design.

Supervisory Module

Sensor Driver
Module PD Module


Motion Control

FIGURE 1: Block Diagram of System

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IJAE), Volume (1): Issue (3) 67
Vinod Kapse, Bhavana Jharia & S. S. Thakur

The sensor module will sense all the obstacles in the path of the robot and if find any obstruction,
it will compute the distance between them i.e. the obstacles and the robot; and notifies it to the
motion controller to manage. The motor driver module maintains all the information needed to
travel from source to destination distance traveled and also take care of movement of robot in a
specific direction. The decision making part of the robot is handled by the supervisor module,
which instructs the sensor module regarding the sensor sequence to be fired and commands the
motor driver module to move in a particular direction along with the direction to turn if there is an
obstacle. It also sets the speed with which the robot should move. These navigational decisions
are made utilizing a control algorithm of the supervisor module.

2.1 Orientation Control Layer:

The Orientation Control Layer helps the robot to align with the goal frame. This layer will be active
under various situations like: when the robot detects an obstacle, and/or when the robot is in the
blind mode of the PD control Layer, etc. Thus, the resultant control action of the orientation layer
depends on speed control of wheels and turn angle based on specified rules.

In order to ensure that the goals of unmanned autonomous mobile system should meet, the fuzzy
controller must be supplied the following input data:

1) Distance from obstacle from Sensors

2) Alignment to maintain right path
3) The difference between the present orientation of the robot and the orientation of the goal

Sensed distance input will provide distance from the obstacle which is further useful for automatic
avoidance of the obstacle, whereas Alignment input is used to track path of vehicle so that
obstacle can be avoided. The difference between the present orientation of the robot and the
orientation of the goal framed will be calculated by calculating the change in orientation angle.

These inputs are used as 8-bit control input by the fuzzy controller. If the distance and alignment
inputs are 8-bit input then the range of input is from 00 to FF, which is equally distributed into 7
membership functions. There are various types of membership functions are available, among
them the two most commonly used in practice are: the triangular and trapezoidal membership
functions. Here, triangular membership functions are used. The membership functions for
Distance Input consists of seven fuzzy logic ranges can be defined by using the linguistic terms
as Tooclose, Close, Bitclose, Medium, Bitfar, Far, Toofar ; as shown in Fig.2.
Distance= {Tooclose, Close, Bitclose, Medium, Bitfar, Far, Toofar}

FIGURE 2: Triangular Membership Function for Distance

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IJAE), Volume (1): Issue (3) 68
Vinod Kapse, Bhavana Jharia & S. S. Thakur

The membership functions for Alignment input consists of seven fuzzy logic ranges can be
defined by using the linguistic terms as Farleft, Left, Bitleft, Center, Bitright, Right, Farright. The
graphical representation of the member-ship function of Alignment input is depicted in Fig. 3.

Alignment= {Farleft, Left, Bitleft, Center, Bitright, Right, Farright}

FIGURE 3: Triangular Membership Function for Alignment

Speed control for autonomous vehicle relates to the automatic maintenance of proper
alignmentand the distance from obstacle using fuzzy control systems, without intervention from
external supervisory systems or human. The rule base for given system are shown in table -1
and 2.

Output Farleft Left Bitleft Center Bitright Right Farright
Tooclose Medium Bitslow Slow Veryslow Veryslow Veryslow Veryslow
Close Bitfast Bitslow Bitslow Veryslow Veryslow Veryslow Slow
Input- Bitclose Fast Fast Bitfast Veryslow Veryslow Veryslow Bitslow
Distance Medium Veryfast Veryfast Veryfast Medium Veryslow Veryslow Bitslow
Bitfar Veryfast Veryfast Veryfast Veryfast Bitslow Slow Medium
Far Veryfast Veryfast Veryfast Veryfast Bitfast Bitslow Medium
Toofar Veryfast Veryfast Veryfast Veryfast Fast Bitslow Medium

TABLE 1: Rule Base for LWS

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IJAE), Volume (1): Issue (3) 69
Vinod Kapse, Bhavana Jharia & S. S. Thakur


Output Farleft Left Bitleft Center Bitright Right Farright

Tooclose Bitslow Veryslow Veryslow Veryslow Slow Bitslow Medium
Close Slow Veryslow Veryslow Veryslow Bitslow Bitslow Bitfast
Input- Bitclose Bitslow Veryslow Veryslow Veryslow Bitfast Fast Fast
Distance Medium Bitslow Veryslow Veryslow Medium Veryfast Veryfast Veryfast
Bitfar Medium Slow Bitslow Veryfast Veryfast Veryfast Veryfast
Far Medium Bitslow Veryfast Veryfast Veryfast Veryfast Veryfast
Toofar Medium Bitslow Fast Veryfast Veryfast Veryfast Veryfast

TABLE 2: Rule Base for RWS

2.2 Passage Detection Module:

The PD control layer is used to steer the robot through passageways in an efficient manner
without crashing into the walls. This can be achieved by keeping the robot at a safe distance from
the walls by constant monitoring of the left and right sensor values. These sensor values are
monitored after a fixed interval of time and a change in orientation is calculated at each instant.
This change in the orientation is known as the error input.

2.3 Obstacle Avoidance Layer:

Up till now only four directions of detection of obstacle has been considered by other researchers
[5]. In order to control the vehicle movement more efficiently, a fuzzy controller has been
designed and implemented. Presented fuzzy controller will be more accurate compared to
previous controller [5] because it is responsible for obstacle detection and calculation of the
collision possibilities in the eight directions i.e. front(F), back(B), left(L), right(R), front_left(FL),
back_left(BL), front_right(FR) and back_right (BR). The controller receives inputs from the
sensor’s data and provides the output by calculating the collision possibility in different directions
front, back, left, right, front_left, back_ left, front_right and back_right. Further, the collision
possibilities calculated by the controller are the input to the other controller along with the angle
error (the difference between the robot heading angle and the desired target angle), which results
in the output with updated transnational and rotational speed.

The sensor module; a fuzzy logic controller; will takes input data provided by the various sensors
and delivers information for eventual obstacles in respect to vehicle’s position and orientation.
Eight sensors are mounted on eight different direction of vehicle with separation of 45 degrees
from each other as shown in figure 2. Three sensors are sufficient to detect the collision
possibility in a particular direction. For example to detect front_left collision possibility sensors A2,
A3 and A4 are used to find the distance of obstacle from vehicle. Similarly, for other direction
collision possibility group of three sensors may be used. Every sensor has a range of 22.5°
obstacle detection to each side as shown in Fig. 4 by shaded portion where A2 is representing
range of front obstacle detection.

The information collected from the respective three sensors will give the information about the
obstacle detection so the collision possibility; which is further sends to the motion control module.
The collision possibilities together with position and/or orientation error will act as the inputs of the
fuzzy controller, which is responsible for the output commands to the driving devices. Also, on the
rule base information it will provide potential collisions possibilities in eight different directions,
and by processing information guarantees collision avoidance with obstacles while following the
desired trajectory.

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IJAE), Volume (1): Issue (3) 70
Vinod Kapse, Bhavana Jharia & S. S. Thakur

FIGURE 4: Angle of separation for mounted sensors

The fuzzy controller utilizes the membership functions to calculate the collision possibilities. The
linguistic values of the variable distance_from_obstacle are defined to as near, medium, far with
membership functions reflecting the accurate information about potential obstacles.

The output of fuzzy controller is a collision possibility in each direction taking values from 0 to 1.
The linguistic variables describing each direction output variable collision possibilities are
Nearly_possible, Impossible, possible, highly_possible membership function. A part of the rules
base for left collision is presented in Table 3. For example of the rules used to extract left collision
possibilities is: IF A1 is near AND A3 is near AND A4 is near AND A5 is near AND A7 is near
AND A8 is near THEN collision_possibility is high. Similarly for the other collision
possibilities rule base are designed.

TABLE 3: Part of Rule Base for controller

In presented work it is tried to develop the system for some input and output parameters and
comparative study has been done to find out the effect of various approaches on hardware
requirement and operating speed of circuit with various synthesis constraints like Speed and
Area. The comparative study is shown in table 4. It is clear that implementation using state

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IJAE), Volume (1): Issue (3) 71
Vinod Kapse, Bhavana Jharia & S. S. Thakur

machine is better as compared to other approaches as per as hardware requirement and

operating speed are concerned.

Logic Element Requirement From Clock Speed(Mhz) From

Implementation Synthesis Report With Constraints Timing Analysis Report With
(% Improvement of Logic Element Constraints(% Decrement in
w. r. t. Normal Implementation) Clock Speed w.r. t. Normal
Implementation 227 247 185.36 191.64
Implementation 227 247 185.36 191.64
Implementation 136 144 96.15 103.15
Using State (67%) (71%) (92%) (85%)
Implementation 133 143 65.36 68.49
Using State (71%) (73%) (185%) (180%)
Using Overlapping 136 157 103.09 104.17
Membership (67%) (57%) (80%) (84%)
Using Less 124 135 89.29 123.46
No.Overlapping (83%) (83%) (108%) (55%)
Conventional Fuzzy
Controller with 4575 4930 5.35 5.49
Conventional Fuzzy
Controller with 4573 4971 6.51 7.17

TABLE 4: Comparative Summary of Synthesis and Timing Analysis Report

A fuzzy logic controller for autonomous navigation system is designed , simulated and
implemented on FPGA using Quartus-II Altera tools. The design of the FLC is highly flexible as
the membership functions and rule base can be easily changed.
Presented digital fuzzy system contains logic circuits to compute the fuzzy algorithm, memories to
store fuzzy rules, and generators or look-up tables for membership functions of the input and
output variables. The proposed designs are programmed using QUARTUS II (ALTERA) tool.
Comparative results of operating frequency and logic elements requirement for different
approaches are shown in table 2. Fuzzy logic methods have been proved to be effective tools to
design highly responsive controllers for autonomous mobile system. These controllers are

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IJAE), Volume (1): Issue (3) 72
Vinod Kapse, Bhavana Jharia & S. S. Thakur

capable of implementing motion and perception behavior so as to attain multiple possibly

conflicting goals.

Focus of the work was on the application of fuzzy logic techniques to the design and
implementation of basic behaviors, and to the combination of basic behaviors to form complex
behavior to execute full navigational plans. The continual developments on FPGA / CPLD
technology and their associated cost, and reprogram ability make this approach a viable
alternative to the development of custom fuzzy hardware for real-time applications.

The proposed controller is an attempt for Blind Goal-Oriented Navigation that the robot is required
to autonomously reach a desired goal but it does not have a priori known environmental
knowledge. The results have been analyzed, verified and found satisfactory.

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International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IJAE), Volume (1): Issue (3) 74

Journal: International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems

Volume: 1 Issue: 4

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